Deputy Governors Team Kinaissance 2024-2025

Gerry Webster – Kinsmen DG


Fort McMurray Kinette Club

Fort McMurray Kinsmen Club

Fort Saskatchewan Kinette Club

Lac La Biche Kinette Club

Lac La Biche Kinsmen Club

Smoky Lake & District Kinsmen Club

Smoky Lake Kinette Club

Vegreville Kinette Club

Vegreville Kinsmen Club




Fort McMurray Kinette Club

Fort McMurray Kinsmen Club

Fort Saskatchewan Kinette Club

Lac La Biche Kinette Club

Lac La Biche Kinsmen Club

Smoky Lake & District Kinsmen Club

Smoky Lake Kinette Club

Vegreville Kinette Club

Vegreville Kinsmen Club

Deputy Governors Team Bring’n Kin Back 2023-2024

Judy Bonner – Kinette DG

Judy Iwaskow

Judy (Iwaskow) Bonner

Club:  Kinette Club of St. Albert

Years in Kin:  8

What Keeps me in Kin? the fine Kin folks, the fun, being surrounded by so much pride and passion for service and the intrinsic rewards that come from helping others, being able to try new things, the learning, opportunities for personal growth, seeing Members and Clubs shine so brightly in hosting awesome Zone, District and National Kinventions – hearing people tell their stories, road trips, selfies, unintentionally taking the scenic route, and just meeting and making new friendships.

What is the Bravest Thing I’ve Ever Done?  Sorry I don’t have any superhero stories, but for me a few years back I had a five-year plan to take piano lessons.  When you put things out in the universe – it comes back to you and I happened to come into a free piano.  I arranged for an in-home instructor and weekly lessons.  Learning the notes and finding time to practise with a busy lifestyle was a bit more challenging than I anticipated.  And then we had to perform at a recital.  Did I mention that I was the only mature student taking lessons?  So on the day of the recital we had an organ rather than a piano (which was okay) and there I was feeling a bit intimidated with the other 15 students aged 5-8 years old that I towered over. Well I felt like one of these things (me) is not like the other (haha), but when it was my turn I got up there and made it through my song (not as good as the six year old that played the same song) but none-the-less, I faced my fears and finished it, feeling very brave and proud of myself amongst my little people peers!

Something on my Bucket List:  To ride a camel

